
Pastor’s Column – Believing What “I Believe” by bfauntleroy
April 28, 2009, 12:15 am
Filed under: Jim Lyon - Posts

Believing What “I Believe”

by Jim Lyon, Senior Pastor

Maureen and I are part of a small group, which is, of course, a small part of our larger church family. The group meets every other Sunday evening. We enjoy some refreshments, touch base with each other’s lives, and then dive into a Bible study (or a book grounded in Scripture). Half of the time, the guys break out for the Bible study together in my basement, while the women meet upstairs to cover the same text. The balance of the meetings follows a coed format. In both scenarios, we learn more about God’s Word and each other.

For the last few months, we’ve been studying the New Testament book of Romans, one chapter at a time. Romans covers a lot of ground; it explores some controversial and earthy subjects; it was written 20 centuries ago but speaks as if written for today. Good stuff.

As the larger church is wrestling with the Sunday preaching series, “What To Do When You Don’t Know What to Do,” though, our small group has elected to suspend our Romans adventure (as we approach chapter eight) and follow along with the “What To Do …” guidebook. If you haven’t already accessed the guidebook on line, go to today and print it out. You can print out one week’s worth or the whole booklet (covering 50 days in all). There’s a Bible passage for every day between April 19 and June 7, with daily thoughts, questions, and practical applications—all following up on the sermon from the week before.

As our small group met last week, we opened John 14:1-27, from Day One in the guidebook. We read the text aloud and then tackled the guidebook’s questions. The conversation quickly took some deep turns.

In John 14, Jesus is speaking to His friends in a desperate hour. They’re confused and apprehensive. The world is not turning as they had hoped. Jesus, the man to whom they had pledged their allegiance when he was popular and in control of every situation, suddenly looked vulnerable and nothing like the commanding chosen-One-of-God they had supposed Him to be. Their friendship with Him made them vulnerable, too. What to do? Nothing was certain anymore. The stable anchors that once held them steady were being upended and cut away. Jesus spoke then into a world much like our own.

“Don’t be troubled,” He said. “You believe in God—believe also in Me.” “I’m going ahead of you.” “I’m preparing a place for you.” Oh, really? They wondered skeptically, if silently. But, what about here? But, what about now? What are we supposed to do?

“I’m sending you a Counselor, the Holy Spirit,” Jesus continued. “He’ll remind you of everything I have told you—and He’ll teach you more, as well.” Hold steady. Be calm. I’m leaving you peace and hope. Trust Me.

Hmmm. Do I really believe that? Do I believe that I’ve got a “mansion in heaven,” with my name and address on it? Do I believe that the Holy Spirit is really available to me? That He can supernaturally remind me of things Jesus said and that He can—and will—communicate with me, teaching, directing, and so on? Does God really communicate with people like me?

Oh yes, there’s Psalm 27. That was the sermon text on Sunday, April 19. What to do? Start by identifying “I believe” propositions (like David does in the Psalm) that can be offered to God in prayer and owned in ordinary life and conversation. David believed God was interested in a conversation, a relationship. Could that be true for me, also? Is that what Jesus was talking about in John 14?

These questions framed our small group’s meeting. It was rich and stretching, both at once. We saw some of the inner struggles each of us in the circle try to manage day-by-day. We saw some of the hopes—and fears—with which each of us are clothed.

Will God give us direction? Will He engage us, individually? The group brought its meeting to a close with prayer, as we always do. In the days following, I’ve been praying differently, with “I believe” statements and the expectation that He will, indeed, communicate with me. I’m feeling more confident, although still shaky on some ground.

Bring the “What to Do” guidebook to your small group table this month. Or, become a part of a small group at Madison Park on Wednesday nights (at 630p) during the series (just show up and we’ll help you find a place). Or pull together some friends and form a small group of your own for these few weeks (letting us know, too, so that we can help resource your effort). The Holy Spirit will be at work—and, you might be surprised how He begins to speak to you along the way.

Be encouraged, friends. I believe God knows exactly what to do, even when we do not. Whatever uncertainties you face, you can be sure-footed in the weeks ahead, as we walk together. Thanks for being a part!

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Pastor, I have experienced God speaking directly to me over many years as I know He speaks to you. I also know he cares about every aspect of our lives. We have been remodeling a bath and had purchased a shower door the correct width to replace the old one. It set boxed up for a month waiting for its installation. We were going to install it last Monday. On Sunday the metal pieces were laid out ready to be cut and put in place on Monday. Sunday night as I was going to sleep I distinctly heard a voice tell me, “You need to measure the new glass doors.” The next morning we did just that. The new doors were about 6″ higher than the old ones. Had we gone ahead and cut the metal frame we would have been out the money spent on the doors. God protected our investment and covered our ignorance in assuming our shower was the standard size. (It was for when it was installed 35 years ago.) I am constantly amazed that the awesome God who created this universe takes the time to be personally involved in our lives. Praise God for giving us His Holy Spirit to guide us!

Comment by Harriet Green

Dear Pastor Lyon….I am ashamed to say I haven’t been to church in some time…but God has really been working on me…through all Christian friends on Facebook!! When Mom told me what the sermon series was, I knew I HAD to get back to church!!)And the Lord, of course!!!) I got off all prescription drugs last fall and have a much better life…but now I am struggling to quit smoking!!! Another pastor once told me that I probably wouldn’t go to hell for not smoking, I might just get to heaven alot sooner!! Well..the ONLY way I’m going to win this battle is with the Lord’s help!! Please remember me in your prayers and I look forward to seeing you in the morning and hearing the continuation of the series!! Thank heavens God never gives up on us or stops loving us in spite of ourselves!! Thanks for being such a wonderful servant..and not to mention the best speaker I’ve ever heard!! Hope to see you soon!! Love in Christ, Lisa Miller

Comment by Lisa Miller

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